Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sourdough in Bread Maker?


Are there any bread machines that would allow making a sourdough rye bread? If not, could a bread maker simplify the process of making a sourdough loaf?


You could do it in a bread machine, but you're likely to get an inferior texture. Why? Well, sourdough starter is a a less consistent leavener than instant yeast, so the rise and proofing times vary considerably, even with the same starter. Each starter is also unique in how long it takes to rise bread. Some starters work almost as fast as instant yeast, others take 12 hours to reach full loaf height. I think you'll have a hard time finding a bread maker that can be programmed for a 12 hour rise.

Bread machines, which use a timer for the rise, will inevitably bake the bread when it is under-risen, or when it has risen and started to fall. The time window is actually quite narrow for a true sourdough; I've seen bread go from perfection to collapse in under 30 minutes.

For the best results, use a bread machine only to mix the dough, and do everything else by hand. Oh, and for the love of all that is good and holy, start preheating your oven early, because it has to be fully ready when the dough is. It's heartbreaking to watch helplessly as beautiful sourdough loaves collapse while your oven preheats.

Edit: A bread machine also won't do steam! The best artisan breads use steam during baking to get more oven spring out of their bread. You cannot do this with a bread machine, and you can forget doing baguettes, ciabatta, and many other fantastic breads.

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