Friday, September 9, 2011

What to do with tofu?


Last night I made a delicious vegetarian stromboli and was left with a lot of excess crumbled extra-firm tofu. It was the first time I have ever cooked with tofu, and as such I have no idea with what to do with the (uncooked) leftovers. What techniques/flavors can I utilize to make it delicious?


I usually don't buy crumbled tofu, but since you have that, I would suggest making tofu burgers. Add another hearty ingredient, like lightly roasted finely chopped walnuts, or baked eggplant cubes. Combine with chopped onions, garlic, grated carrots, and breadcrumbs. Bind with beaten egg. Season with your choice of herbs or spices, such as thyme, oregano, basil. Form into patties, fry lightly in olive oil and sprinkle with tamari (or soy sauce) until both sides are browned. Bake until fully cooked in the oven at 375 degrees. Serve on a bun just like a beef patty.

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