Tuesday, October 11, 2011

marinated vegetables on food dehydrators?


So there's a party I'm going to and I promised to make jerkies, but a few of them are vegans.

I'm wondering if there are vegetables (or anything non-meat) that can be marinated with roughly the same kind of stuff you use for jerkies, and then dehydrated to become some kind of tasty, savory snack?

I once had some pretty tasty dried peas which were quite savory, would using the same kind of marinade with jerkies and putting them on the dehydrator work? They were pretty crunchy, but the last time I tried dehydrating banana slices they ended up being rather chewy instead.


What about tofu? It can be "jerkyfied" pretty easily. For example: http://www.ehow.com/how_2128547_make-tofu-jerky.html

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