Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Different uses for avocado?


I hear that avocado is really good for you and I want to try to eat more of it. Other than guacamole what types of food a recipes do you recommend?


Avocado and Pineapple Salad.

Yes, I know it sounds strange, but I had it at a restaurant when in Spain a couple of years ago. The closest recipe I can find is a version claiming to be Cuban; I don't recall if the version I had used lime and orange, as it would've had to compete with the pineapple.

I tend to use them in many Latin recipes that you might top with sour cream ... it doesn't give the tang (unless you're like me and tend to douse my avocado with a healthy squeeze of lime or lemon), but it gives the creaminess without being dairy for those of us on restricted diets.

You could also take a look at recipes on the California Avocado Commissioner's website

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