Sunday, November 6, 2011

How can I make a sugar free strawberry syrup?


I make strawberry syrup using the follow ingredientes.

  • 1 pound of strawberrys;
  • half lemon juice;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

How can I make a sugar free (or at least using less sugar) strawberry syrup?


You could replace the sugar with some artificial sweetener. I don't know the exact ratio, but I believe you can use less sweetener to an equivalent amount of sugar. But by definition syrup contains sugar, so you wouldn't be able to eliminate it (or a replacement completely).

I suppose, depending on what you're doing with it (topping for dessert, waffles, pancakes), you could just take the strawberries, add some water and lemon juice, and reduce it and make a sauce instead of a true syrup...

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