Friday, November 18, 2011

de-parasiting mackerel for sushi


We've bought some fresh sushi-grade mackerel, and would like to make saba sushi from it. We were told that we should treat it with vinegar to kill any parasites.

Some online recipes I've seen recommend a two step process of first salting for 30-40 mins, then marinating in vinegar for 30-40 mins. Others extend the salt step to 3 hours.

Is the salting necessary for de-parasiting? I ask because the fish store guys, who are usually very knowledgeable, didn't mention it. If so, is 3-4 hours really necessary, or is 30-40 minutes more like it?

Clearly I'm eager to eat this fish, but I'd like to play it safe :)


You can never be to safe when it comes to fish. Worms and other parasites => nasty business. I would definitely salt the fish, and would err on the side of caution and look at the three hours, not just a half an hour. I would then give a half hour in the vinegar. That is the way I have done it, and indeed seen it done. Best to be safe rather than sorry. I've also known people who have not been safe and paid a rather disgusting price.

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