I've been making chocalote chip cookies for a while and I just can't decide how many chocolate chips to put in each cookie. So maybe once and for all I can get a good answer to the question:
What is the best percentage of chocolate-chips for a chocolate cookies? And what are the pros and cons for putting more or less chocolate chips?
While it depends on your taste and recipe, I can tell you what's my favorite amount.
I tend to chop chocolate to pretty big pieces (cubes approximately 2cm long). I tend to put as many chocolate chips as it takes so that some of them fall off when mixed with the dough. I then additionally push leftover chips in dough when forming cookies. I try to avoid chips that are too small and chocolate powder; somehow the cookies are better when chocolate powder is not mixed into dough. I suppose the contrast between the dough and chocolate chips is what makes them tasty.
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