Monday, October 3, 2011

How to treat your saffron right?


Similar to this question, but not the same (by the way, I like Hobodave's answer).

What's the correct way to treat saffron to get most of the flavor?

I've seen the following methods:

  • Let the stems soak in a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Warm the stems in oil on a slow flame.
  • Wrap the stems in aluminum paper and put it close to a heat source (so it can warm up).
  • Fry the stems.
  • Soak in white wine for 20' (as per Peter Taylor's comment).

I'm talking about expensive (stem only) saffron. Should the stems be crushed (before or after soaking)?

The method I usually use is the first one.


one Italian trick to extract as much as possible from saffron for risotto alla milanese is to fill a ladle with hot stock, add the saffron "threads" and then mash them into stock with a spoon. The stock will become a beautiful golden color. Of course stock contains water and fat...

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